When I ask teachers why they want "consistency," they reply so that the teachers and learners will know what to do, so that everything is the same, so that everyone is on the same page etc. I hear no really valid reason, in my books. I dispute the need for consistency and I am all for giving teachers and learners choice. Choose the product that works well for you at the time. If you have the opportunity to use a variety of platforms, then pick one that you and your learners like. As long as we perpetuate the myth that students will not know what to do, they will continue to remain in a state of learned helplessness.
So how could this work in art? There are a variety of different techniques that learners could be exposed to. Making videos on how to do these different techniques would provide learners the opportunity to have choice and control over what they do. Giving them the opportunity to investigate and try different techniques is important in my view.
But then comes the practical side of things. How can you cater for a whole lot of different techniques and media in one classroom? I am thinking that this is where the whole idea of student agency is exposed for its true meaning. Not only do learners have choice and control of what they do and when they do it, they have to be self-organising. They would need to organise researching and finding the resources themselves, and this will require teachers to let go of the control as well.
Good things take time. If I were a teacher thinking of transitioning to this way of working in Art, here is what I would do. I would take videos or collect videos of different techniques and post them up in a central place (maybe a site for example). I would ask learners to investigate different techniques and learners could make videos about what materials were needed and how to carry out the technique. This way the learners would become a lot more creative rather than following a set "lesson plan" for art. I would be there to help, suggest, guide. You know, the whole idea of guide on the side.
And yes it would be very messy. Am I just dreaming about what could be, or is this far too impractical?
Photo: A Duck Out of Water.
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