Standout highlights for me at ISTE were definitely meetings with educators in the digital technology realm whom I have long time admired for their resourcefulness, helpfulness and common sense.
These are some of my favourites.
- Sue Wyatt +Sue Wyatt - blogger extraordinaire from Australia, running the student blogging challenge
- Daniel Rezac +Daniel Rezac education technologist and maker, long time facebook friend through EdTech Team
- Barbara Bray @bbray27 - personalised learning guru and just a downright lovely person
- Monica Burns +Monica Burns long time clever education technology coach on Simple K12
- Shelly Sanchez Terrill +Shelly Sanchez Terrell also a clever education tech coach on Simple K12
- Noah Geisel +Noah Geisel - digital badging, all round clever dicky and nice man
- Kathy Schrock +Kathy Schrock educator extraordinaire - grand pooh-bah of sharing resources
- Sylvia Duckworth +Sylvia Duckworth fabulous sketch-noter I have followed for as long as she has been doing it (very surprisingly only 18 months)
- Susan Oxnevad +Susan Oxnevad - very clever thing-link lady, whom I didn't actually meet but I have followed her webinars and I did watch her in action demonstrating and connected through twitter later.
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata, he tangata he tangata.
What is the most important thing in the world? The people, the people, the people.
Arohatia Te Reo!